Teleflora Flowers Complaint

Teleflora Flowers Complaint


Teleflora's Same-Day Delivery -- The Flowers Arrived the Next Day

I ordered flowers for someone's birthday to have it delivered the same day. I ordered it in the morning of the birthday (before 3 pm, which is the deadline on weekdays). I received emails from Teleflora while I was away in meetings, which said that the chosen flower selection was not available for delivery in the recipient's area and that if I am unable to respond in time, they will deliver an arrangement designed by the local florist on time. Teleflora failed to do that. Now, the surprise birthday gift is going to arrive the day after the person's birthday, which I am not too happy about. They gave me a 20% discount for that. It should have been more like 80% or free IMO if they claimed they would deliver on the same day. Very disappointed with Teleflora.

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